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Artist Statement


artist Statement

My work is a visual extension of thoughts; part personal archive, part recollection and reiteration of memory. I'm influenced by biographical history, my immediate surroundings of the Willamette Valley, and pondering connections between humankind and the natural world. Current research interests surround the history of feminism, ecology, trophy taxidermy, culture wars, and the anthropomorphism of furniture. 

In the studio, I focus on a variety of print media and works on paper. Handmade Japanese Washi is a consistent thread in the work. Focusing on the nature of the mark-making various print media allow, rather than the reproducibility of image through process, I work almost exclusively with one of a kind images as opposed to edition printing. I consider all my studio practice to be a collaboration with the media I use, attributing the work's results to my own hand as well as the nature of print and drawing.